ICH Miracle of Love Exotic Blues - Best Cat 1 и 3 (TICA)
ICH Miracle of Love Exotic Blues - Best of Best 3 (WCF)
ICH Miracle of Love Exotic Blues - Best op Sex (FIFe)
ICH Miracle of Love Exotic Blues - Best in Show (WACC)
GICH Miracle of Love Exotic Blues - BIS NOM (Всемирка WCF)
Сравнение на Бэсте (WCF)
GICH Miracle of Love Exotic Blues - Best op Sex (WCF)
Enigma Silver Spell*RU - 8-е место в Ринге котят и юниоров (WCF)
GICH Miracle of Love Exotic Blues - Best of Best V (WCF)
Jessika Oskar - Best Cat-4 (TICA)
Eseniya Silver Spell*RU - Best op Sex (WCF)
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best in Show (WCF)
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best in Show (WCF)
Origami Exotic Blues - Best Baby (WCF)
CH Jessica Oskar - Best in Show (WCF)
Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best Young (WCF)
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best op Sex (WCF)
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best in Show (WCF)
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best of Best V (WCF)
CH Jessica Oskar - Best in Show (WCF)
Origami Exotic Blues (WCF)
Origami Exotic Blues - Best Baby LH (WCF)
Malvina Moonlight Exotic Blues - Best Kitten (WCF)
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best Male, Best of Breed (WCF)
Tango Martini Exotic Blues - Best Kitten LH
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best in Show (WCF)
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best in Show (WCF)
Origami Exotic Blues - Best Baby (WCF)
Scabiosa Girl Diva - Best of Best (WCF)
GICH Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues - Best in Show (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Breed (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best Junior (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best Junior (WCF)
Hortenziya Exitic Blues - Ринг Котят и Юниоров (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Breed (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Ринг Котят и Юниоров (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Breed (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best in Show (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-III (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-II (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - WCF-ринг V место
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-III (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-III (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-II (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-II (WCF)
Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-II (WCF)
ICh Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - WCF-ринг IV место
ICH Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-II (WCF)
ICh Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Breed (WCF)
Unicas Ultramarine Exotic Blues - Best op Sex (WCF)
ICh Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - WCF ринг VI место
ICh Scabiosa Boy Eternal Flame - Best of Best-III (WCF)
Chester Boy Exotic Blues - Best of Best-I (МФА)
Enigma Silver Spell - Best Op Sex (WCF)
GECh Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues
Chester Boy Exotic Blues - Best in Show (WCF)
GECh Kiss of Butterfly Exotic Blues
Ch Exotic Blues Hortenzia - Best of Breed